


The essence of homeopathic prescribing is finding the simillimum, the remedy that most closely matches the state of the person in front of you. As we continue to learn more we realise that alongside a matching of remedy-to-person we are able to work at varying levels of depth as determined by the potency that we choose to prescribe.

Following the name of a remedy you will see a number and letter for instance HYPERICUM 30C. The number signifies the amount of times that a substance has been diluted, the letter in what ratio the dilution has been prepared. This is a clearly defined process referred to as dilution and potentisation, sometimes termed dynamisation, is ultimately an embossing of the energy of a substance into the fabric of the surrounding solution. The further away we move from the original physical material the “higher” the potency is considered to be.


Rather than strength potencies are best understood in terms of depth, speed and intensity. The Art of Homeopathy in practice is being able to gauge these qualities in the person in front of you and then to match that with your chosen remedy and potency.




Decimal “X” “D” or “DH” potencies [1:10]


Commonly seen in 3X, 6X and 12X at this level we are working with low dilutions - the 3X having gone through three cycles of dilution, the 6X six and the 12X twelve. With the X we are working within the realm of substance, which is why this scale is referred to as a “material dose”. Material doses are indicated for the more physical complaint providing the materials to nourish the body on a structural and cellular level.

Often seen sold as biochemical tissue salts (cell salts) our X’s are suitable for tissue repair, organ support and prove pivotal in restoring the body’s deficiencies where we see a generalised picture of complaint. Our 12 TISSUE SALTS are a testament to this: CALC FLUOR, CALC PHOS, CALC SULPH, NAT PHOS, NAT SULPH, NAT MUR, MAG PHOS, KALI PHOS, KALI SULPH, KALI MUR and SILICA fundamental mineral components for the healthy functioning of our system and useful for varying conditions that include coughs, burns, fevers and digestive disturbances.

Still containing the physical component of the originating substance, albeit diluted and on a molecular level, our X scale is considered to be a “low potency”. They work well repeated frequently over a longer period of time, especially suited to those with low vitality or an indistinct symptom picture. These are wonderful scaffolding builders which also serve to prepare the body for higher potency treatments.


Centesimal “C” or “CH” potencies [1:100]

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In the higher dilution and dynamisation of the centesimal C scale we have the capacity to access the physical but also the mind and emotions. These are the potencies that we are likely to have in our Remedy Kits and commonly called for in acute conditions. With our C’s we are able to work in a specific and comprehensive way, with more depth and speed then generally available to us with the X scale.

Whether we choose a 30C or 200C we make our choice based on the vitality of the individual and the intensity of the state that they are presenting with. A 30C is considered to be a sound “middle ground” potency and a good place to start particularly when it comes to home prescribing. A 200C for the more intense, immediate presentation of symptoms, at this higher dilution it is generally repeated less frequently than the 30C.


Millesimal “M” “MK” or “MH” potencies [1:1000]

As we work our way towards the M scale, we are utilising high dilutions indeed. Still with marked action on the physical the millesimal delves into the state of the psyche and spirit. M potencies resonate with the deepest levels of a person’s terrain - back through one’s history and family history. These are the potencies that we think on when dealing with the high vibrations of trauma, shock and inherited ancestral family patterns however are also called for with great effect in acute situations. An M given at the right moment can quash the intensity of an acute and even avert an emergency situation however working in this scale is best prescribed under the supervision of a professional Homeopath.

Using the millesimal requires clarity and an understanding of what you are using, why, when and how you are deciding to use it. That moment where you have slammed your finger in between the door could warrant a 10M potency due to the overwhelming intensity and defined nature of the event however as prescriber’s a distinction needs to be made between what is clearly a stand alone acute and what is an acute arising from a chronic condition. A definition between each is detailed below.

Working holistically as we are in homeopathy we must assess the whole-person, their general state-of-health, their vitality, the pattern of their symptoms and tendencies as to how they manifest disease. Millesimal potencies must be used with consideration of these factors, this scale being unsuitable for at-home prescribing in a person with compromised vitality, low energy or suffering with a chronic condition.

Higher dilutions do not equate to “more strength”, instead the M scale is better described as having more vacuity capable of being both gentle and fast acting in practice, a parachuting depth-charge. M’s are considered for individuals with high vitality however also for those with very clear symptom pictures that are defined and intense. The common M potencies ascend from 1M to 10M, followed by 50M and then on to CM (100M). Technically speaking this series are in fact high centesimal dilutions a 1M = 1000C, 10M =10,000C and CM =100,000C.




The FIFTY MILLESIMAL SCALE is entirely different again. Here we move beyond the scaffold-building of X, the direction of C and the parachuting depth-charge of M into the subtle yet all-encompassing diffusion of the LM. These are remedies that are often given in liquid form and succussed before each dose. Succussion simply means vigorous shaking, which in our LM‘s gently builds the energy in the solution so that the dynamic potential of the substance changes over time. As such LM’s are often taken on a daily basis, the beauty of which means their frequency can be easily adjusted so as to suit the individual which makes them suitable for those who are sensitive to remedies.

The further away we move from the material, the more we release the energetic potential of a substance. In the 50 Millesimal scale we are working with extraordinary levels of vibration, our LM’s have been described as having the quality of refinement so as to access the depth at a soul level.





Acute conditions are self-limiting diseases. They have the tendency to come on quickly and to last for a relatively short period of time, either resolving on their own or with intervention. The general rule-of-thumb is that an acute lasting longer than between a 4 to 6 week period, depending on the condition, moves in to a chronic state.

Acute conditions such as cough, cold, influenza, burns, injury or accident are ideal for home prescribing however once an acute goes on to establish itself in to a chronic picture it is best to seek help from a professional homeopath. The reason being that it is impossible to have a true perspective of the context of an issue once it has been entangled in to the complexities of a person’s picture, even homeopaths need to see homeopaths!


Homeopathy is a dynamic process, different Homeopaths will perceive the qualities of the person in front of them in different ways and are also likely to approach the prescribing of potencies differently. This is about matching “similar” energy not necessarily the “same” energy - determining potency is as much a practice of keen observation, clear intention and experience. Whatever the potency choice there is one aim - to stimulate an effective healing response in as gentle a manner as is possible.

Remedies work like flicking-the-KEY-IN-THE-ignition OF your car. they STIMULATE the body’s self-healing mechanism, the signals that work to get your engine started . YOU are the car and your vital system will decide how it utilises these messages in order to heal. the role of the prescriber is to follow their patients lead.

In my practice I recommend the following:

  • working upwards in potency scale and not down.

  • choosing the one most closely matching remedy and starting with the potency that you deem best fits the state, condition and circumstances. Remember that if you start lower you have room to move upwards and will be able to maintain clarity in how your subject is responding to the stimulus.

  • a response may be subtle or distinct - a change of temper, mood, energy levels, the ability to focus or the calmness to finally sleep. A change may be a bowel movement, perspiration, the bringing up of mucous or a sudden desire to drink when previously thirstless.

  • if you have given a remedy and there is a change including an exacerbation of current symptoms - then WAIT.

  • If there is improvement then there is no need to repeat as their “engine” has started and a healing response engaged.

  • If there is no change then repeat. As a general reference if there has been no response or change after repeating 4 times, then retake the case.

  • If there are new symptoms then wait, if they become marked then retake the case as a different remedy is likely to be needed.

  • If your remedy works and then symptoms return - repeat. If you observe that your remedy loses momentum or recovery plateaus - then consider moving up in potency.

  • if you are unsure or there is no change then speak to your homeopath as it is possible that the acute presentation is a part of an underlying chronic or constitutional state which needs addressing.



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Pailin has a Bachelor of Science Honours Degree through Middlesex University and Licentiate to practice from the College of Homeopathic Education in London United Kingdom and is a Human Chemistry Integrated Healing Method Practitioner incorporating Chinese Traditional Medicine [TCM], Aryuvedic Medicine and New Biology perspectives in her treatment approach.

Working with all ages, Pailin runs her clinic via VIDEO CALL worldwide, specialising in conditions arising fro trauma, toxicity and deficiencies from the neurological to musculoskeletal, hormonal to mental and emotional.

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