The wise food provider, who uses gelatin-rich broth on a daily or frequent
basis, provides continuous protection from many health problems
— Sally Fallon Morell, Nourishing Traditions

bone broth is a superior source of essential nutrients that are required to replenish and heal the body.  

the high concentrations of amino acids, collagens, minerals and vitamins the benefits of bone broth are reflected in the different amounts of nutrients extracted from either the collagen, cartilage or bone marrow. these differ between the bones of different animals



  • Reduces inflammation particularly THE CONNECTIVE TISSUE AND jointS, THE SKIN AND LUNGS.

  • Improves digestive function – repairs the gut lining in leaky gut aiding digestion.

  • Improves immune function – boosts production of immune elements to fight off infections.

  • Improves nerve and muscle function – maintains the correct electrolyte balance to function optimally.



BEEF – contains high levels of collagens type 1 & 3, vitamins (A & K2), essential fatty acids and minerals – particularly good for tissues, joints and digestive function. Recommended using bones high in marrow and connective tissues - like knuckle, tendon and ligaments.


PORK – provides a rich source of collagens and chondroitin for joint health and tissue integrity – porcine collagens are closest to human and are easily assimilated.  Ideally use pork neck, joints high in connective tissues or trotters where possible. 


CHICKEN – a rich source of collagen type 2, particularly in chicken feet, promote a healthy immune response and aids tissue integrity of joints, cartilage and ligaments.  Chicken bone broth requires less cooking time than beef or pork, for minimum 6 hours. 


FISH – contains many of the minerals and collagens as chicken and beef, however, fish contains higher levels of iodine, not found in the bones of land animals.  Iodine is essential for thyroid health that helps regulate metabolism for energy and weight control.  Simmer the entire carcass including the heads for around 2 hours for a light and nutrient rich broth.