“natural forces within us are the true healers of disease”
Immune cells work more effectively at higher temperatures.
Chemical reactions in our body speed up at higher temperatures.
Foreign invaders & harmful organisms do not survive in high temperatures.
We are forced to slow down and rest so that the body can heal.
The fever process increases the elimination of toxins through various discharges: diarrhoea, vomiting, sweating & the production of mucous.
Fever plays a key role in a child's development - it stimulates the immune response which strengthens the body's own resistance to future infection.
If you or your child are in pain or finding the fever difficult to cope with or if there are any signs of infection such as an earache, sore throat, or cough – then homeopathic remedies can really help.
If you or your child are in pain or finding the fever difficult to cope with or if there are any signs of infection such as an earache, sore throat, or cough – then homeopathic remedies can really help.
Homeopathic medicine kits usually supply their remedies in the
30th potency, in general during a fever you can prescribe a 30C every hour or less depending on the intensity and severity of the symptoms.
If you only have a lower potency such as a 6th, 12th or 18th then these can be given more frequently.
Higher potencies such as 200C, 1M or 10M are sometimes appropriate often with remedy pictures such as Belladonna however these should be used as directed by your homeopath.
DO NOT go down in potency ie. do not start on a 200C and then go down to a 30C
STOP giving the remedy when symptoms HAVE GONE or CHANGED
REPEAT the remedy if the same symptoms return
NEW symptoms or a 'picture' that CHANGES may require a NEW REMEDY. in this case reassess the symptoms and see which might provide a closer match to their new picture following the above instructions.
If the remedy helps but then wears off quickly - REPEAT. you can do this up to every 15 minutes if the intensity of symptoms require it.
If there has been NO CHANGE after 6 doses then it is likely that ANOTHER REMEDY is needed - in this case re-assess the symptom picture.
If you are unsure or your well-indicated remedies do not help then please contact your homeopath.
Homeopathy will not suppress the fever if that is what the body is needing to do, however if the fever is particularly high it may lower it. You or your child should feel comfortable. Often after taking a remedy you or your child will fall asleep – this is a
good sign.
When finding an acute remedy you are looking for a remedy with matching symptoms that characterise your patients picture. There are many remedies that are appropriate for the treatment of fever, many of which you will find in a FIRST AID REMEDY KIT. If you work with a homeopath then they will be able to help you with specific remedies and potencies that are characteristic to your constitution.
sudden onset
sudden onset especially after fright or shock
sudden onset after exposure to a cold wind
waves of chills
high fever with a racing pulse
burning sensation in the eyes, nose, ears &.or throat
thirsty for cold drinks
alternates between hot and cold
often starts around midnight
a burning heat
may also have chills
face may appear puffy/swollen
redness &/or swelling
may have a severe cough
shooting &/or burning pain
thirstless during fever
better from cool air, cool applications
worse from heat, warm applications
worse being touched
worse moving
icy coldness
feels chilly but hot when touched
wants fresh air around the head but needs to be covered
needs comfort, company and reassurance
thirst but only drinks in sips of water
may desire warm or hot drinks that will sip
onset or worsening of symptoms between midnight and 2am
chills with soreness
muscles feel bruised
high fever
sudden onset
gastric influenza
heavy &/or dull facial expression as if drunk
face may have a dark red hue
may appear deathly ill
gastric bug, influenza, tonsillitis, septic fever
red, hot, throbbing face or body
red, hot, throbbing sensations/pains
alternatively face may also be pale
sudden onset
heat may radiate off of the body
glazed eyes, dilated pupils
cold or cold extremities
may be delirious, may see monsters
very little thirst
tonsils, neck &.or messentric glands in the abdomen may be swollen/painful
vomiting &/or nausea
fever with a cold
a gradual onset fever
red face
dryness - mouth, lips, skin, lungs etc
extreme thirst, takes a long time to drink
foul smelling breath
grumpy, irritable
wants to be left alone
wants to be at home
may have a strong headache/migraine
may be constipated
commonly occurs in Spring and Autumn/Fall
alternating heat and chills
one part hot and another part cold
one cheek may be red the other pale
nothing satisfies - will ask for something then will reject it
irritation, anger &/or fury
babies and children want to be carried
babies will want to be held and constantly in movement
commonly seen in earache, milk fever, mastitis, teething
chills followed by thirst then fever
drenching sweats during the night
perspiration on the least exertion
suffers severely from dehydration (electrolytes to drink will help them rehydrate)
severe pain, may weep with the pain
perspiration with the least exertion
useful in prolonged &/or intermittent cases
useful in early stages of fever
the picture may change quickly and require another remedy
pale faced
flushed cheeks
mucous in the nose, sinuses and throat
temperature is not as high as for example as in a Belladonna fever
eyes may be bloodshot
chills running up and down the back
absence of thirst - thirstless
dull headache
may feel light-headed
heaviness of the body
may tremble
muscle soreness
eyelids may feel heavy or appear half-closed
sore throats, influenza, earache, teething, sunstroke
eupatorium perfoliatum
chills preceded by thirst
severe aching and soreness in the bones
a “breaking” bone pain
burning heat
intermittent fever
onset often in the morning
strong thirst
extreme weakness
feels bruised, as if bones are broken
nausea &/or vomiting
a common Autumn/Fall remedy picture
very marked symptoms in fever
sore throat including tonsillitis or layrngitis
left sided symptoms that may move to the right side
purplish tone for example mouth, tongue etc.
foul breath
unable to bear anything around throat or waist
hot sweat around head &/or neck
swallowing difficult &/or painful
feels chills with fever
fever not much over 38.3 C / 101F
chilliness and shivering around 3 to 4pm followed by sweating
chills alternating with heat
continuous fevers
short or rattling breathing
deep hollow cough
may feel bloated or flatulent
worse right side, worse right to left
sore throat better warm drinks
fever characterised by strong sweating that does not relieve instead makes them uncomfortable
alternates extreme heat to extreme chilliness
easily chilled and alternatively easily overheated
worse evening and during the night
strong thirst for cold water, unquenchable thirst
head as if in a vice
foul breath
metallic taste in the mouth
stools may be foul, slimy, greenish, bloody
face pale, puffy under the eyes, cheeks swollen
low grade fevers no higher than 38C / 101 F
feels warm
whimpering, whining, clingy &/or weepy
may be accompanied by a stomach ache
absence of thirst bu may desire milk
changeable symptoms
moaning during fever
worse in a warm room
better fresh air
excessive mucous which may be green
fevers due to hormonal changes
childhood fevers chickenpox, earache, mumps, measles
feels chilly, easily chilled
sensation as if cold water were poured over them followed by sensation of heat
yawning brings on chills
sore muscles, aching limbs
restless, wants to move and stretch
must be covered
better warmth
better after perspiration
may have a dry cough, sore throat, headache
skin sensitive to cold
red triangle at tip of tongue
common in Winter and Aumtumn/Fall
drink water, even if only small sips.
Offer a wet flannel for your baby or child to suck on if they refuse to drink directly.
if feeling hot but actually cold to touch with possible shivering and goose bumps indicates that the body is still trying to reach its desired temperature, so keep warm until this is achieved.
when feeling hot, with posible redness, sweating and the need to undress or uncover, the body has reached its desired temperature and can now be supported to cool down. This can be done by sponging the body. Use TEPID/WARM WATER ONLY (DO NOT USE COLD WATER as this shocks the body). Wring the sponge/cloth out and gently working from the centre of the body outwards towards the extremities (arms & legs).
Keep following the body as needed.