LATRODECTUS MACTANS harbours the collective themes that we see throughout our SPIDER remedies yet this is a homeopathic with its own distinct pathological and familial picture. An intense FAMILY DYNAMIC pivots on SUBTERFUGE and a delineation between VICTIM and AGGRESSOR, the essence of its homeopathic indications are so often at the root of its resulting pathology.
Read MoreThe homeopathic picture of LIMONIUM SINUATUM reveals unexpected depth and complexity in which IRRESOLUTION, TRAUMA and ANCESTRAL PATTERNING are ENMESHED. Years of SUPPRESSION culminates in an individual whose modus operandi pivots on feelings of INADEQUACY and INERTIA. With STUNTED EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION, a LACK OF CONFIDENCE and IMPAIRED SENSE OF IDENTITY,
Read MoreAs a homeopathic remedy PINEAL GLAND has an action on its conventionally established functions including the production of the hormone MELATONIN, key in the modulation of the SLEEP-WAKE CYCLE, SEXUAL MATURATION and the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. Beyond these formative affinities, we can gain a sense of the enormity of this remedy through its homeopathic indications.
Read MoreBLACKBIRD SONG is a homeopathic with a transcendent quality, at its essence this is a remedy called for in TIMES OF CHANGE, often UNEXPECTED and UNWANTED but ultimately CHANGE THAT IS INEVITABLE.
Read MoreAs a homeopathic remedy we find a formative remedy indicated in one embroiled with internal and external CONFLICT in which OVERWHELM and RESIGNATION lead to a state of DISTRESS. This individual is consumed by an ongoing battle between NEGATIVE and POSITIVE, LIGHT and DARK whether that be the result of one's INTERNAL DIALOGUE, FAMILY STRUGGLES or ongoing TURMOIL IN THE WORLD at large
Read MoreGREEN FLUORITE is formatively a remedy for the MIND where CHAOS, NERVOUSNESS and TURMOIL manifest in a person who is RESTLESS, NERVOUS and beset with much ANXIETY. There is a feeling that they are UNDERVALUED, UNNOTICED and NEGLECTED yet it is the profound NEED FOR SECURITY and SAFETY that we find impels this person who ultimately wants to feel UNDERSTOOD, HEARD and LOVED.
Read MoreAn all encompassing state of DESPAIR, POWERLESSNESS and HOPELESSNESS that emanates from a source of BETRAYAL, whether in this lifetime or the residual effect of BETRAYAL ANCESTRALLY held in the tissues and being, CERCIS SILIQUASTRUM is a remedy of DARKNESS and INTERNAL TURMOIL.
Read MoreThis is a remedy for those TRAUMATISED, in a perpetual state of DREAD, ANTICIPATION and PANIC. The originating WOUNDING and even FRIGHT, may extend back well in to one’s past, even ANCESTRALLY, entangled with GRIEF and DEPRESSION.
Read MoreAs homeopathic remedy we find a distinct mental and emotional picture that often originates from DEEPLY HELD, UNEXPRESSED GRIEF with a strong affinity to one's MATERNAL LINE. This disturbance may be expressed through the CARDIOVASCULAR, DIGESTIVE, NERVOUS, REPRODUCTION and URINARY SYSTEMS.
Read MoreCURCUMA CAESIA may be imbued with a quality of DARKNESS in which ABUSE, INNER CONFLICT and JOYLESSNESS are mired with ANTICIPATORY ANXIETY and RESIGNATION in one that feels susceptible to DUBIOUS ENERGIES and even PSYCHIC ATTACK.
Read MoreWELWITSCHIA MIRABILIS remedy for CONGESTION ON ALL LEVELS - this person is STUCK and at the same time UNWILLING TO CHANGE. Although they may be prone to PANIC, FRUSTRATION and OVERWHELM their instinctual response tends towards INERTIA, DULLNESS and RESISTANCE.
Read MoreIn GERANIUM ROBERTIANUM we find a distinctly PROTECTIVE homeopathic remedy for the individual whose myriad of symptoms arise from a deep sense of VULNERABILITY and INSECURITY.
Read MoreRHODOCHROSITE is a formative remedy for the HEART and EMOTIONS in an individual persistently feeling EMBATTLED, EASILY OVERWHELMED and UNABLE TO COPE, WORN DOWN by their innate capacity to function as CARETAKER.
Read MoreThis well-known KIDNEY, BLADDER and LIVER SUPPORTIVE bares a quality of HIDDEN, BURIED and SECRET WOUNDS that are so deeply embedded that the ORIGINS of abuse, pain and suffering are BEYOND the CONSCIOUS MIND and FACILITY TO ARTICULATE them. BERBERIS VULGARIS is a remedy with depth and meaning.
Read MoreAUSTRALIAN SANDSTONE is a homeopathic remedy to consider where DEEP ANCESTRAL PATTERNS impede movement forward, from the resolution of TENSIONS in the physical body to the forging of SPIRITUAL CONNECTION and the distilling of one’s LIFE PURPOSE.
Read MoreThe symbiotic relationship in SENECIO + TYRIA JACOBAEA, between plant and moth gives rise to a complex picture with unique qualities of STAGNATION, IMBALANCE and DETACHMENT in which WOUNDING is often the originating state.
Read MoreWith deeply PROTECTIVE qualities, BLACK TOURMALINE is a homeopathic remedy is indicated where RIGIDITY is the response to a perceived-state of PRESSURE and OVERWHELM whether from ELECTROMAGNETIC FREQUENCIES [EMF’s] or CHEMICAL TOXICITY.
Read MoreBETA VULGARIS [Decomposed Beetroot] is profoundly CLEANSING for the entire system, as a homeopathic remedy its systemic ability to clear STAGNATION - from the LIVER AND BLOOD to the PSYCHE, is marked.
Read MoreAs a homeopathic SPHAGNUM CYMBIFOLIUM is a welcome addition to our series of moss remedies, its defining mental and emotional picture replete with NEGATIVITY, DARKNESS, UNEASE and WOUNDING.
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